mom to Angel Darko Durbic |
How we Survive |
October 14, 2010 |
How We Survive

If we are fortunate,
we are given a warning.
If not,
there is only the sudden horror,
the wrench of being torn apart;
of being reminded
that nothing is permanent,
not even the ones we love,
the ones our lives revolve around.
Life is a fragile affair.
We are all dancing
on the edge of a precipice,
a dizzying cliff so high
we can't see the bottom.
One by one,
we lose those we love most
into the dark ravine.
So we must cherish them
without reservation.
This minute.
We will lose them
or they will lose us
This is certain.
There is no time for bickering.
And their loss
will leave a great pit in our hearts;
a pit we struggle to avoid
during the day
and fall into at night.
unable to accept this loss,
unable to determine
the worth of life without them,
jump into that black pit
spiritually or physically,
hoping to find them there.
And some survive
the shock,
the denial,
the horror,
the bargaining,
the barren, empty aching,
the unanswered prayers,
the sleepless nights
when their breath is crushed
under the weight of silence
and all that it means.
Somehow, some survive all that and,
like a flower opening after a storm,
they slowly begin to remember
the one they lost
in a different way...
The laughter,
the irrepressible spirit,
the generous heart,
the way their smile made them feel,
the encouragement they gave
even as their own dreams were dying.
And in time, they fill the pit
with other memories
the only memories that really matter.
We will still cry.
We will always cry.
But with loving reflection
more than hopeless longing.
And that is how we survive.
That is how the story should end.
That is how they would want it to be.
Wrote: Mark Rickerby
Ricardo |
vida eterna |
July 30, 2010 |
Descansa en paz angelito , porque dios quizo que iluminaras la vida de tus padres y quienes te querian , pero ya lograste la vida eterna .-
Zora Blekić Milina mama |
Naši dragi anđeli |
July 29, 2010 |
Zora Blekić |
Prelijepi anđeo-STELICA_ |
April 21, 2010 |
Milena mom to Darko Durbic |
nasi andjeli |
October 27, 2009 |

Draga mama, samo mi koji ovo prezivljavamo znamo sta je bol. Moje srce je sa vasim, moramo biti jaki ali kako, niko nam to nemoze reci. Tvoj mali andjel je stalno sa tobom. Dragi Boze daj nam snage da sve ovo prezivimo, ne da zivimo jer vise zivota mi nemamo. Mama puno pozdrava
ljubica |
ljubav |
June 9, 2009 |
Ruza nasa mlada rumena tudim nehatom rano uvela tugo nasa vjecna golema
sjecanje na malu Stelicu....
Zora Blekic Milina mama |
Sandra Stelina mama |
May 4, 2009 |
Draga Sandra, šta reći? Kažu neki da vrijeme liječi sve, ali to nije istina. Meni je svaki dan sve teži i teži, ali šta mogu, samo čekati dan kada ćemo se ponovno susresti i zagrliti. Nemam Ti šta reći da te utješi jer ni ja sama ne znam, kako provodim dan za danom. Samo nam Bog može dati snagu da nosimo svoj preteški križ.
Ivana |
mami |
April 13, 2009 |
Draga mama,
molim se da vam dragi Bog da snage i da vaše srce izdrži tu bol i patnju!Ja sam isto mama i srce mi se lomi kad pomislim na vašu Stelicu i na vas i nemogu ni zamisliti kako je vama.Kroz vaš blog i ovu stranicu vaša Stelica živi i dalje i hvala vam što ste nama koji ju nismo upoznali dozvolili da je upoznamo!
Dragi Bože čuvaj Stelicu i njenu prekrasnu obitelj!
kate19 zadar |
mami |
November 20, 2008 |
Draga gospođo sasvim slučajno sam otvorila vaš blog i užasno me rastužia....
drago mi je što ste ga napravili jer njoj će biti drago da vidi kako je njezini vole i ljube,ona to sve vidi...mene je zabolilo, ne mogu ni zamisliti kako je vama...i ja imam starije sestre i njih sedmero nećaka, baš me prije malena Nina zvala da dođem igrati igrice,a moram uč bi mogla zamislitit život bez nekoga od njih sedmero,je da su male dosadice i zločkići ali ja ih previše volim....čuvajte svoju stelicu u srcima i nikada je nemojte zaboraviti.....pozdrav od Kate...
Edwina - Troy Mitchell's Mum |
Thinking of your beautiful Angel Stela |
October 31, 2008 |
Dubravka |
za mamu, tatu, Tinu |
October 23, 2008 |
Draga majko, ono što mogu je posjetiti Stelicu ovdje, suosjećati s vama, plakati i reći Vam kako niste sami. Bože dragi, kako je teško, ali samo Ti dragi Bože možeš utjehu dati i čuvati malog anđela Stelicu!
Suzana |
majci |
October 9, 2008 |
Poštovana gospođo,
nitko ne može reči da zna kako je Vama sada....budite hrabri.....Stela je bila predivno, preslatko dijete i ja kao majka znam da ovo mora biti neizdržljiva bol....vjerujte mi kad kažem da Vam najiskrenije želim da u sebi pronađete snage, radi Tine, pa i radi Stelice jer ona ne bi htjela da joj mama bude stalno tužna.
Iskreno Vam želim mir i da vremenom bude lakše, ako je to moguće
Vesna |
to my dearest friend Sandra |
September 25, 2008 |
My dear Sandra,
it's so sad to look all those photos knowing that she's not alive anymore. It's hard to believe it, because she was so cheerful and full of life, eager to learn something new, curious, and at the same time, so compassionate and soft hearted. Although she was only 7, she had that something that's needed to understand other people, to feel their needs and feelings. She was so grateful to you and her father for everything you were doing for here. Other kids take all that for granted, but not her. She was literally an angel.
Love from Vesna
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