Stela Zupancic - Online Memorial Website

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Stela Zupancic
Born in Croatia
7 years
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Life story
February 4, 1999
Born in Zagreb on February 4, 1999.
October 31, 2006
Passed away on October 31, 2006.
January 1, 2008



January 1, 2008
Little angel Stela Zupancic was 7.5 when killed on October 31, 2006 by ambulance car which wasn"t in hurry (siren was off). She was on her way to school (was second grade), had green traffic light on and was on pedestrian crossing when was thrown away and run over with front and rear wheel and was dead at the scene. She was born on February 04, 1999, lived in Zagreb, Croatia, has older sister Tina (who`s 15), mum Sandra and dad Silvio. She liked dancing very, very much and was very gifted for dancing.
She was very beautiful, gentle little girl, with curly light brown hair and green eyes, her mum used to call her "little star" since her name means star in Latin what she liked very much. She also enjoyed listening to Sarah Brightman, going to opera and ballet with her mum, so when they were watching Nutcracker Ballet, Stela knew what was coming next, she knew entire plot.
Great and unique little girl, she had sense for other people, especially kids. We all miss her very much, she will never be forgotten, dear little child.